Track Electronics Specialist
Formula 1 Team
What do you do in your job?
I work within the electronics support group. Our task is to provide all the electronic operations on the machines on the test benches. We take care of the programming of the control unit and of the configuration of all the SW required for telemetry.
What did you want to be when you were growing up?
I’ve always wanted to work in F1. But I always thought it would only be a dream.
When did you know you wanted to work in motorsport?
After doing Formula Student. At races in Italy I understood that my future was that. And that I would do everything to get there.
What’s the best thing about your job?
The machines!
What subjects and courses did you take?
I studied electronics and ICT. And at University I studied Electronical Engineering.
Did you do any work experience?
After graduation I worked as a researcher at a University.
What has been your biggest challenge?
My project in Formula Student. I think it was the biggest challenge. Doing well with very little is always difficult.
What was the best thing you ever did to help you get to where you are today?
I attended a course held by a work agency that works with my team. Unfortunately, motorsport in Italy is still a very closed environment and beyond the skills one must have a connection. The course mainly provided me with the possibility of having an interview. I have colleagues who have joined the team thanks to consulting companies or programs for new graduates. Some of my former Formula Student mates arrived in F1 thanks to training programs offered by the team.
What would you say to inspire someone to follow their dreams?
Never give up. And work to make your path linear to the goal. If you want to get to F1 sooner or later the opportunity comes. We must only be ready. Be humble, those who work in motorsport is not a phenomenon. Only someone who had a dream like you and realised it.
Any other comments or advice you can offer?
The course of study helps. Think about what you would like to do in a team. Whether a designer, a mechanic, an electrician or any other role. And start a path towards that. If you start a safe university a few years in Formula Student is helpful. Even a thesis in a team is a way to be seen and to have a chance. But a lot depends on you. Above all you want to reach your goal.
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